Friend of the site Andrew MacLean whom we did an interview with earlier this month dropped me a line today to let me know about Brand New Nostalgia. B.N.N is a artists collective with Andrew and some of the best illustrators out there. Each week the artists will take a new theme and create beautiful illustrations based on their interpretation of that subject. This week’s theme is ROCK and already the stuff these artists are creating is phenomenal. Here is the official description of Brand New Nostalgia according to their website.

Oy! Welcome to Brand New Nostalgia — an artistic collective comprising of some of the best illustrative talent the internet has to offer.We’ll soon begin posting weekly themed projects that’ve been designed and illustrated by our incredible team of artists.In the meantime, click here to check out our artists and what kind of awesome stuff you can expect to see here.Soon you will feel our amazing power — as it showers all over your face and into your eyeballs. It will burn, and you will beg for more.

Each artist has done a banner for the B.N.N website and they are all really impressive stuff. So head over to the site and check out some really great art, I command it!

Brand New Nostalgia Tumblr

Brand New Nostalgia DeviantArt